Friday 9 May 2008

New Things!!

I had a day off yesterday and came in this morning to find the flower hair clips I ordered had arrived, yay! I spent this morning unpacking them and putting them on display - voila!

Perfect for this fabulous weather we're having I think you'll agree. Also this week I had the pleasure of going to the studio of Frillseekers vintage and picking some pieces for the shop which was very exciting. It's like shopping, but not for me, but just as good. I had a good rummage and came away with about 20 dresses, my favourite of which is this one...

...just look at the cute bow detail! (I'm a sucker for bows). Here is how the rest of the rail looks...

I was away in Madrid for a few days last week (stupidly forgot my camera, but will hopefully get some pics from the trip to post), but before I left I had these rings made...

People have been asking if I sell rings for so long I thought I'd better get some. I used some charms I had already which usually go on necklaces, and had them soldered them onto rings, they worked out pretty well!

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